Collection: Preorder Products for Pickup at the Poconos Farm Market

The items shown at the bottom of the page can be preordered for pickup at the Poconos Farm Market on Saturdays between 9 am and 3 pm while the market is open this year.
Stop by, say hello and taste some kombucha!
The Poconos Farmers Market
The Poconos Farmers Market is open every Saturday between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm (April through the Saturday before Thanksgiving). The Market is also open on Fridays between Memorial Day weekend and into September.
Gayle sells her kombucha, gourmet soups, and other products on Saturdays at the Market. We do stock some 12 oz. bottles in the refrigerator in the cheese shop for purchase on Fridays, since she is not there.
Gayle attends every Saturday. The exception is for rare conflicts and when the weather is so bad that we cannot use our tent. We will attempt to notify people of those rare occasions by our email newsletter and by Facebook. We will also post a notice on this page of our Online Store.
Gayle comes each week well stocked with 12 oz. bottles of kombucha for sale individually or in 6-packs. She tries to bring 64 oz. growlers in a selection of flavors. Since a flavor may sell out quickly, you can purchase a growler online on this page and we will reserve it for you.
Any question email